Conference Phone Concept by Kicker Studio (San Francisco CA)

Anyone who has worked in a corporate environment has one day laughed at the super-expensive conference phone that sucks *and* costs a bomb. Kickerstudio has been working on that concept to change that hard reality. It tries to solve the most common issues and here's their (partial) list:

  • Synchronizes with calendars and contacts for one-tap dialing
  • Quickly see who's talking on a signal and who wants to speak
  • "Hand Raising" to indicate a desire to speak
  • Recording and marking of calls
  • Multi-line dialing
  • Adjusting individual lines for the best overall conference signal quality

I like how easy it is to dial everyone in, thanks to the pre-recorded contact info (with photo ID, see in the full post). Now let's hope that that will turn into a product. More info at
